Hi, i'm sorry for my bad english. My car was crashed. I can read errors from all ebu (engine,ABS, Selespeed and airbags). I can remove all errors except airbags. Please, help solve this problem...
Если ктонибудь понимает по русски. После аварии хотел стереть ошибки из ЭБУ. Подключаюсь к ЭБУ двигателя, силиспида, АБС и подушек. Удаляются все ошибки кроме аэрбегов. Подскажите пожалуйста как разобратся с данной проблемой.
Can't delete airbag errors (Alfa Romeo 147 2003)
Re: Can't delete airbag errors (Alfa Romeo 147 2003)
Bad Luck. On Alfa Romeos, some/most Airbag failures are written in a "Crash" Memory. This means, the error cannot be deleted, it is stored permanent. Alfa Romeo Dealers will replace the entire Airbag controller, which will cost over 400,- €. Here in Germany there are some companies that offer to RESET the controller for about 100,- €.
Bad Luck. On Alfa Romeos, some/most Airbag failures are written in a "Crash" Memory. This means, the error cannot be deleted, it is stored permanent. Alfa Romeo Dealers will replace the entire Airbag controller, which will cost over 400,- €. Here in Germany there are some companies that offer to RESET the controller for about 100,- €.
Re: Can't delete airbag errors (Alfa Romeo 147 2003)
If the errors are still there, you also can not remove them. What errors are you getting exactly?
Re: Can't delete airbag errors (Alfa Romeo 147 2003)
As stated, the ecu continues to hold data regarding the crash/deployment of air-bags. These can be cleared as I've seen a site (in UK) where if you send your ecu and £60 (I believe) they will clear it for you.
Re: Can't delete airbag errors (Alfa Romeo 147 2003)
Crash can be erased. I had the ECU chip Eeprom 95080. It is necessary to remove the chip from
ECU and write the correct dump. Who needs help write to 88kostalom88@gmail.com
ECU and write the correct dump. Who needs help write to 88kostalom88@gmail.com