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Stilo JTD Service Reset Problem

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 17:04
by mhowse
Thanks for the software ..have just got myself a elm327 1.3a cable for main reason of trying to reset service interval message although hitting a problem at moment I can connect easily with engine ecu and see the functions working through all the options available check lights operate and percentage of throttle and the rest but after disconnecting and trying the service reset option I cannot and get the com error or check cable message ..I have not changed the elm cable yet not sure if I need to to do the service reset but any ideas on this would be welcome as I do my own oil changes and other stuff so be good if could do the service reset myself..have re-installed driver and software still the same car is stilo multiwagon 115 jtd 2003

Re: Stilo JTD Service Reset Problem

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 04:55
by mhowse
ok so now I have wired in a DIL switch to pins 1+7+9 and can connect with no problems to engine / abs/ and steering but again when I try the service reset I get the check com settings /cable connection I connect with the com settings I have with no problem so any advice on what is wrong with trying the service reset would be good I did notice when connecting the pins that in the elm cable there were other pins wired to the interface board and thought about cutting all but the 1/7/9 pins to see if they were interfering in some way but any thoughts be appreciated