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Security codes Lancia Chrysler Delta 844

Posted: 27 May 2018, 11:56
by rossocorsa

I was trying to make adjustment it inhibit alarm on my Chrysler delta as it is faulty, when I try to input the security code it asks for five numbers but my security card only shows 4 under code and has another letter and number combination entitled serial which is too long any ideas.? I tried 0**** but that didn't work

Re: Security codes Lancia Chrysler Delta 844

Posted: 27 May 2018, 16:04
by davidino66
Maybe The security code can be provided only by Lancia workshop. You have to pay it.

Re: Security codes Lancia Chrysler Delta 844

Posted: 27 May 2018, 16:22
by s130
4 digit codes are normally associated with radios, some remote alarm key fobs, etc.

To my knowledge Fiat Body Computer / Emergency Start Codes have always been 5 digits long.

Things become a little more obscure on latest models like the 500X. It is my understanding that no one (even Fiat dealers) can get their hands on the security code. Instead they have to connect in real time to Fiat servers with a full VIN number and then the required code is "passed trough" directly to the car from the Fiat systems.

If anybody can comment / clarify this I think we would all appreciate the information.

Re: Security codes Lancia Chrysler Delta 844

Posted: 27 May 2018, 17:12
by rossocorsa
I don't think this 4 digit code is for the radio it's on a security card along with the other number I mentioned and the OE radio/nav doesn't have a code. Years ago I had a Delta HPE and I think it had a code that you could tap into the accelerator pedal to override the immobiliser but that was a different system.
Maybe it's related to the keys but doesn't allow other access?

I'll try asking on the facebook delta 844 groups