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[MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 22 Mar 2014, 20:25
by bogas
Hi Yani.
After deactivation S&S and proxy alignment execution car not starts. Starter is silent.
After re-activation S&S everything is ok.
I sent You log.

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 22:13
by ipIV
I have the same problem...

Punto Evo 1,4 135HP Multiair.

Regards, ipIV

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 20:28
by yani
Hm, that is an interesting effect of disabling the S&S sytem in body computer.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what could be the reason for this behaviour. Is it possible that the non-S&S cars have different relay (with different control line from body computer) for operating the starter motor?

It seems that maybe it will not be so easy to disable the S&S system only by software. I added this function for guys who convert vehicles to electric. They had problem with the S&S vehicles (while everything worked fine in non-S&S) where the body computer kept complaining about S&S malfunction (even though the engine was not there anymore). So, disabling the system in Body computer resolved their problem.

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 28 Mar 2014, 19:09
by ipIV
After turn key to MAR position S&S is default enabled. Is it possible to reverse it? Default disabled (or something like that)?

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 19 Apr 2014, 20:29
by echappatte
This is the main reason for I bought MES : disabling this sh** of start and stop. But now I have a lot of other uses of MES ;)

Yani, I have the problem with my Punto 2012 :

If I can help you, do some tests, electrical measure or other dont hesitate.

If it is definitely not possible with software, I work on a little hardware to add on (but it is more easy to do it via MES than remove the radio unit and wire something...)

Best regards

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 09 May 2014, 08:04
by columbo25
I checked the wiring diagram from mito 1.4 8v and there are differences between with S&S and without !

Without the kl.50 wire goes direct from ignition-switch to starter

With S&S it isnĀ“t so !

KL.50 from Ignition switch goes to T20 ( Relais ) in engine compartment of B001

So there is second Relais T10 also in B001 this Handles also the starter.

Maybe this will help.


Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 07 Dec 2014, 19:46
by echappatte
Thanks for informations. ;)

It's possible to have schematics you talk about ?

It would be great to understand how it's made with and without, perhaps it's possible to modify to definitely remove this module !

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 21:38
by alfa156sarajevo
Try to find eLEARN on internet. In general it is free. On some website you can buy it.
Download it and and try... There you have schematics...

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 21:35
by echappatte
Thanks for informations.

I have eLearn for Grande Punto, but I can't find for newers cars like Punto Evo/2012. And Start & Stop is only with new cars.

Re: [MiTo] Deactivation S&S

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 17:14
by EnIgMa
sorry for gravedigging here...

any news about this topic after a year? :)
as i understood something have to be done physically to the electrical part of the car?