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Help needed

Posted: 29 Jan 2013, 09:16
by amgart
Hello people,

i bought a elm 327 with bluetooth interface a while ago. now my problem is this, i can connect to engine, but when i try to select "service" in order to reset service interval it said that i had to connect with yellow adapter. so i bought the adapter. the real problem is when i connect the yellow adapter with the interface and i have this response "connection failed, check cable and/or serial port. i don´t how long and what i´ve tried to make this works and can´t do it. i saw the changes to make on the interface, but i saw a lot of topics, pictures, diagrams and still haven´t found an answer to my problem. so PLEASE can anyone help? its driving me mad....

Re: Help needed

Posted: 29 Jan 2013, 15:27
by alfa156sarajevo
And your car is (make, model, year, petrol, diesel...)? :roll:

Re: Help needed

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 02:00
by amgart
ok sorry for that.
my car is fiat grande punto 1.3 mjet sport

Re: Help needed

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 08:26
by Alfaeddy

Check again if the connection settings are correct.
(com port latency, etc.)

Otherwise it could be a contact problem with the yellow adapter be
to wiggle trying times for a better connection at the plug

Times or check the connections to the circuit diagram in "Supported Vehicles"

Greetings Eddy

Re: Help needed

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 22:30
by amgart
ok many thanks,
by the way i have my ports latency at 1. that´s the correct latency?without the adapter plugged in, the interface works fine with latency at 1....

Re: Help needed

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 22:40
by amgart

i saw in the supported vehicles the info regarding my problem and i have a question, if you could help me out.
the info i saw was this :"Service Interval Reset |INFO|ADJ| ELM C19OBDKey C19 A3".
do i need another interface? or do i have to change my elm 327 interface in order to work?
i´m sorry for all this questions but i don´t know how all this things work. i know that the a3 is the yellow adapter, now the elm c19 i don´t if is a interface....

Re: Help needed

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 10:10
by alfa156sarajevo
amgart wrote:alfaeddy,

i saw in the supported vehicles the info regarding my problem and i have a question, if you could help me out.
the info i saw was this :"Service Interval Reset |INFO|ADJ| ELM C19OBDKey C19 A3".
do i need another interface? or do i have to change my elm 327 interface in order to work?
i´m sorry for all this questions but i don´t know how all this things work. i know that the a3 is the yellow adapter, now the elm c19 i don´t if is a interface....
That is why I asked you before what kind of car do you have...
Since you have a Grande Punto you need ELM 327 interface and yellow adapter #3 (for low CAN systems - it is called A3).
You can buy that adapter on eBay or from some of distributors (see:
Or maybe you can modify your elm interface or you can make you own adapter...

Re: Help needed

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 12:55
by Alfaeddy
Hello amgart

How alfa156sarajevo writes you need the yellow adapter to the CAN bus signal to initiate

Here you get the adapter ... 2578c4a7bc

Question time to see if you can get only the yellow adapter.
And send the seller a nice greeting from me (Eddy)

Greetings Eddy

Re: Help needed

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 20:55
by amgart
to all of you many thanks! your top man!
i have already the yellow adapter but the problem is when i connected to my car, fes shows a message that says "check cable connection/ports settings".
for what i understand i have the right interface and adapter but cannot connect to my ecu.thats the reason why i post this topic. i have already read and try another settings in my ports and still can´t link to my ecu.

again to all of you, THANK YOU ;)

Re: Help needed

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 22:19
by Alfaeddy

If you've tried everything as described, but it may be your only
ELM interface not the CAN bus protocol can read!?

Otherwise you have already tried everything else!

ELM interface which you use?

Can it be that a resistor, the CAN protocol prevented?


Greetings Eddy