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Bosch EDC16C39 CAN bus SX4 aka Fiat Sedici

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 16:55
Using FES, a USB chinese ELM327 clone with the CAN input modified as per yani instructions (see other thread), when I scan for device (F11) I get error U 1601 CAN bus.

I connect directly the ELM to the OBD plug, no special cable.

As I understand, FES communicates via the K line to the EDC, a point to point RS232 serial interface, which works in my case.
The EDC has also a CAN interface, which is a two wire twisted pair LAN bus on ODB pin 6 and 14.

Does FES also try to communicate via this CAN bus to the EDC when a scan for device is asked and may I assume that the errors is still due to the ELM interface or do I have to wire the CAN lines to the different pins in the ODB interface as per cables specs to access other devices like airbag, dahsboard ... that uses only the CAN protocol ?

Note I also get CAN latency too high. I wonder if the issue is not simply that these CAN errors are simply due to lack of processing power, poor code in the ELM making it unable to handle the task. The RC circuits added on the CAN line are just high frequency noise and spike protection.

Note that the resistor across the CAN+ and CAN- is a gross error as it affects the CAN bus impedance.

These ELM clones rank definitively from acceptable to almost junk, like they are copying copies and accumulating errors while they claim ridiculous version like 1.4+ and even 1.5 !!!!!

Re: Bosch EDC16C39 CAN bus SX4 aka Fiat Sedici

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 10:31
by donesko
same error happend to me ond sedici multijet, when I press scan... after few days error disapeared