Spanish translations and CAN bus

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Spanish translations and CAN bus

Post by Ronald »


Very good your work, thanks.

It's possible translate softwate to spanish language ???
I may help you with all translations, if you send text file, I translate all for you for free of course.

About CAN bus feature that you advertise that will add in new versions:
Which interface will may use to work with CAN bus and your software ???
Current VAG KL or VAG KKL do not support CAN bus, only K line.
It's possible you do it compatible with ELM327 chip, that support CAN bus ??
Do not know another universal interface that may support CAN bus, because of VAg-COM CAN bus interfaces only work with VAG-COM software,because of it use special processor to work only with VAG-COM.

Kind Regards

Re: Spanish translations and CAN bus

Post by Ronald »

Thanks for links about CAN bus interfaces.

What do you think about translate software to spanish language ?
I may do all translations for you, so you may make software multilingue, or at least english-spanish.

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Re: Spanish translations and CAN bus

Post by yani »

I have not decided about the CAN interface yet. I will probably implement support for ELM327 because it is common and cheap.

I have no plans for multilingual support so far.

Re: Spanish translations and CAN bus

Post by Ronald »

Ok, thanks yani.

I think it is a good option ELM327, very good chip, support most of protocols, all CAN bus variants, easy to manage with AT commands.
About translations, if you want do it, I may make all spanish translations for you.

Posts: 4
Joined: 26 Nov 2009, 20:06

ELM327 support

Post by joseph67 »

Hi yani,

I'm looking forward the ELM327 support! (I have an ELM327 multiprotocol interface, but it doesn't work with your soft yet.)
Can you to tell me a date (approx.) to beginning support of this interface?

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