Hi everyone!
I've been using FES (or MES) for over a year without troubles. I've bought the same ELM327 from China. Is not an original chip because, trying to use other softwares, all of them tell that mine was a fake chip. Anyway, i had no troubles with FES. I bought the adaptors for can, airbags and abs/eps but lately, i started to have some issues...
There's no way to connect with the service reset, can or stuff like that. When i make a test at the end, it tells that is a 1.4v and that i'll have no problem connecting to can networks... but when i tried to connect there's an error message.
Checking at my ELM i couldn't watch anything that explains the fault... but lately, watching closer, i found (maybe) a missing part... what do you think??? could that be the reason of the malfunction???
Best regards to everyone from the (over) sunny Santiago de Chile